Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why do Chinese people always say "Chinese people?"

Forgive me if this sucks...I haven't written anything creative since college.

Someone said to me the other day, “Why do Chinese people always say ‘Chinese people always...’ or 'Chinese people never...’?” - as if to blame their faults on the entire race?

We were talking about food (imagine that) and my friend made a very witty comment that made me lmhcao. I said "I wish I was witty. Chinese people aren't witty." Here's the thing. Chinese people aren't witty, but that's beside the point. Why do we always blame the race for being the way we are? Are we embarrassed to be Chinese? Or do we say that because we are damn proud of it and want to take any opportunity to point out the fact that we're Chinese? Or do we say that because we instinctively evade blame? Is it innate that we must blame?


  1. I don't think I'm bias because I am also half-Chinese, but I think Chinese people can be witty. When you say "Chinese people" are you referring to ALL Chinese people, just Chinese people born in China, Chinese people born in any country, or American-Born Chinese? I've met very witty Chinese people. My husband Derek, for example, is very witty and he's Chinese. I don't think it's a race thing. I think it's an individual thing. There are lots of people from other races who aren't witty.

  2. I think you're right. When I was visiting Grandpa the other day, I actually made quite a few witty comments in Chinese. I was cracking myself up!

  3. I have to agree with Mary here (her original position, not the wishy-washy comment). I think what she's saying is that the Chinese aren't known for their wit, like say the Irish are. Of course they are CAPABLE of being witty, but GENERALLY (yes, making a generalization here) they aren't.
